Live with ASI is a new monthly broadcast program that showcases recently published content from the Arab Studies Institute’s numerous branches. This content includes articles, reviews, pedagogical resources, podcasts, and more. Also featured in the broadcast are brand new interviews and discussions with various authors and contributors. In this episode, hosts Bassam Haddad and MK Smith discuss developments throughout the region regarding authoritarianism, photography and audiovisual narratives, historical perspectives, and more.

Interviews for this month are Muriam Haleh Davis with Carly A. KrakowReem Abou-El-Fadl with Bassam HaddadAlain Gresh with  Bassam Haddad, and Pardis Mahdavi with Jacob Bessen. Guests are Adel IskandarCat HasemanLizzy GalliverMekarem EljamalCarly A. Krakow, and Mohammad Abou-Ghazala.

All of the materials mentioned in the broadcast are listed here, categorized by their themes. Also listed are additional recent materials we highly recommend, as well as recent and upcoming live events. Pieces that are relevant to multiple themes are listed under each applicable theme below.

’s 10th Anniversary

This month marked ten years since Jadaliyya’s inception. To commemorate this very special milestone, our team hosted a Facebook Live event with sixteen of Jadaliyya’s Co-Editors, titled “Reflections On Ten Years of Jadaliyya,” where they shared their thoughtful reflections on the origins, growth, and goals of Jadaliyya.

We also published a piece titled “Jadaliyya Turns 10,” which gives readers a comprehensive overview of Jadaliyya’s development and its trajectory, from the outbreak of the 2011 Arab uprisings to the present. In this post, pages across Jadaliyya give a retrospective account of their journey over the last 10 years.

Authoritarianism & Dissent

Carly A. Krakow interviewed Muriam Haleh Davis about her recent article on “Radio Corona International.”

Spotlight: ASI in the Media


Beyond Old/New Media Segment

Adel Iskandar joined Live with ASI again this month for the segment, “Beyond New/Old Media: Knowledge Production/Consumption After Covid-19.”

Historical Perspectives

Spotlight: ASI Project Highlights

Community: Partners Feature

Bassam Haddad spoke to acclaimed journalist and public intellectual Alain Gresh about the French online publication he co-founded, OrientXXI. Alain discussed the type of content featured on this esteemed website, and what OrientXXI hopes to accomplish. The full interview is forthcoming and will be posted to



Reem Abou-El-Fadl speaks with Bassam Haddad. 

September marked fifty years since the death of Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. His “July Revolution” of 1952 reshaped politics, economy, and cultural life of modern Egypt and profoundly influenced those of the Arab world, and his influence stretched throughout the “post-colonial” world. Nasser’s legacies continue to be invoked and contested in contemporary Arab politics, and several Nasserist parties have endeavored to repurpose his political tradition. On this significant anniversary, Jadaliyya’s Egypt page published a special series of three articles to critically engage with these legacies. Its editors invite fellow scholars and students of the Nasser era to send in further contributions in the same vein.


Pardis Mahdavi spoke with Jacob Bessen about her Essential Readings on migraiton and the Gulf. 

Lizzy Galliver spoke about Scholars in Context.


Mekarem Eljamal, MESPI Managing Editor, shared exciting new updates about MESPI resources, including the Peer Reviewed Articles Review and MESPI Newsletter.

Recent Events Spotlight

Carly A. Krakow, Jadaliyya Special Projects Managing Editor and a producer of Live with ASI, joined to speak about two recent events hosted by the London School of Economics in partnership with ASI and Jadaliyya, and to share a preview of US election coverage. (And brought along birthday decorations for Jadaliyya‘s 10th!)

Photography & Audio-Visual Narratives

Grad Student Corner

Cat Haseman, ASI Social Media Coordinator, shared resources for graduate students in the new “Grad Student Corner” segement. 

Independent Content

Mohammad Abou-Ghazala, Live with ASI script writer, joined Bassam and MK in the studio to share some additional recently published pieces with the LWA audience.